Normen voor veiligheid elektrische auto’s vastgesteld
Japanse normen
Daarmee ligt onder meer de bescherming van inzittenden tegen schokken vast, mocht een hybride of elektroauto bij een botsing betrokken raken. De standaards gelden voor zowel Europa als Japan, Rusland en Zuid-Korea. Eerder al werden er stappen gezet voor een nieuwe standaard, en was al voorgesteld de Japanse normen als uitgangspunt te nemen.
UNECE announces the introduction in 41 countries of type approval for electric and hybrid vehicles’ electric safety requirements
The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, adopted today, at its March 2010 session, a new version of UNECE Regulation No. 100 which introduces type approval requirements for all types of electric and hybrid vehicles’ electric safety requirements.
Type approval refers to the administrative procedure by which the competent authorities in one Contracting Party declare, after carrying out the required verifications and tests, that a vehicle submitted by the manufacturer conforms to the requirements of the given Regulation. Once this approval has been obtained, the vehicle will benefit from the mutual recognition of this approval in all Contracting Parties applying UNECE Regulation No. 100 (currently 41 countries – see list below).
The new version of UNECE Regulation No. 100 will cover all types of electric vehicles: pure electric, hybrid, plug-in, as well as hydrogen fuel cells vehicles as regards electric safety requirements. The Regulation encompasses the electric safety requirements of all types of road vehicles (passenger and commercial vehicles) which can exceed 25 km/h. One of the key requirements is that vehicles must provide users with an effective protection against electric shocks.
This change in UNECE Regulation No. 100 reflects the growing interest of both manufacturers and customers for electric and hybrid vehicles, as evidenced at the Geneva motor show this year.
It offers car manufacturers the legal instrument to put into the market passenger and commercial vehicles with greener standards, reducing the costs and delays associated with multiple approvals in various countries.
Het complete document staat hier (pdf).
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